Waipapa Taumata Rau | The University of Auckland
This years Workshop will be held in the Faculty of Engineering at Waipapa Taumata Rau |the University of Auckland.
20 Symonds Street
Auckland 1010
New Zealand
Opened in 2019, this state of the art building boasts of world-class teaching spaces, complex research labs and terrace foyers without compromising the Faculty of Engineering’s identity.
Located across the road from the Grafton Road entrance, the Sir Owen G Glenn Building (OGGB) has five levels of car parking (over 1,000 spaces) and is the main car park on The University of Auckland City Campus. Access to the car park is via Grafton Road, opposite Stanley Street. Click here for further details.
Delegates may purchase reduced fee, single use, exit tickets from the registration desk for $12 per day. Credit card payment preferred.
Welcome Function
Faculty of Engineering at Waipapa Taumata Rau |the University of Auckland.
Workshop Dinner
Lula Inn, 149 Quay Street, Auckland CBD, Auckland 1010